Working with the Tiniest Magnets, Hebrew University Discovers New Magnetic Phenomenon with Industrial Potential

Working with the Tiniest Magnets, Hebrew University Discovers New Magnetic Phenomenon with Industrial Potential

12 April, 2022

Probing the world of the very, very small is a wonderland for physicists.  At this nano-scale, where materials as thin as 100 atoms are studied, totally new and unexpected phenomena are discovered.  Here, nature ceases to behave in a way that is predictable by the macroscopic law of physics, unlike what goes on in the world around us or out in the cosmos.

Hebrew University Veterinary School Concludes 12-Year Study of Street Cats, Reveals How to Successfully Control Population Numbers

Hebrew University Veterinary School Concludes 12-Year Study of Street Cats, Reveals How to Successfully Control Population Numbers

6 April, 2022

Increasing numbers of free-roaming street cats is a global problem.  In fact, stray cats are considered one of the world’s most invasive species.  However, while they pose a health risk to humans, destroy large numbers of wildlife and suffer from poor welfare, most people are reluctant to cull their numbers with the fierceness we bring to rat and cockroach populations.

Hebrew University Drs. Moran Yassour & Haitham Amal Awarded 2022 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research

Hebrew University Drs. Moran Yassour & Haitham Amal Awarded 2022 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research

6 April, 2022

Dr. Moran Yassour at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)’s Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and Dr. Haitham Amal, at HU’s Institute for Drug Research and the School of Pharmacy, have been awarded the prestigious Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, which is administered by the Wolf Foundation. The Krill Prize is awarded each year to 10 outstanding young researchers who have not yet been granted tenure. Winners are chosen based on standards of excellence and on the subject of their research.

Hebrew U. Develops Method to Evaluate Emerging Flat Lens Technologies

Hebrew U. Develops Method to Evaluate Emerging Flat Lens Technologies

28 March, 2022

Perhaps you are wearing glasses while reading this or have a cell phone, binoculars, a virtual reality headset or telescope.  All of them rely on high-quality lenses, which are bulky, expensive and heavy—especially when considering drones and satellites, where every gram counts.

Extending Fertility & Reversing Aging in Human Egg Cells

Extending Fertility & Reversing Aging in Human Egg Cells

8 March, 2022

"Within a decade, we hope to increase fertility among older women using anti-viral drugs"—Hebrew University’s Dr. Michael Klutstein.

Throughout much of the world, increasing numbers of women are delaying having their first child until they are in their late thirties, and even into their forties.  At this age, their eggs are rapidly deteriorating and, even with IVF, their prospects of conception are far from guaranteed.

Hebrew University Team Finds How Plants Make Aerial Roots

Hebrew University Team Finds How Plants Make Aerial Roots

3 March, 2022

Sometimes, to see the roots, you have to look up.

Roots are normally associated with things that live underground, in the damp and the dark. Think of turnips, radishes and yams. However, many plants make their roots above ground.  Ivy uses its roots to climb on buildings and the mighty ficus tree uses them to support their large branches.  What makes plants form roots in the “wrong place,” so to speak? That would be like us humans sprouting legs from our shoulders.

Big-Data Tracking Technologies can Uncover Wildlife Secrets & Reduce their Conflicts with Humans, International Team Led by HU Shows

Big-Data Tracking Technologies can Uncover Wildlife Secrets & Reduce their Conflicts with Humans, International Team Led by HU Shows

17 February, 2022

Movement is ubiquitous across the natural world. All organisms move, actively or passively, regularly or during specific life stages, to meet energy, survival, reproductive and social demands.  Movement affects a variety of ecological processes and the ability of individuals to cope with human-induced, rapid environmental changes.

Working on the Covid-19 Frontline Negatively Impacts Public Health at All Levels

Working on the Covid-19 Frontline Negatively Impacts Public Health at All Levels

1 February, 2022

Stress and Smoking Rates Up Among All Hospital Workers, New Hebrew U. Study Finds

A new study, published in the leading journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research’s special issue devoted to smoking and COVID-19, found that being on the COVID-19 frontlines could negatively impact hospital workers’ mental health—even during lull periods and even for ancillary hospital staff, such as maintenance workers and administrative staff.  

Working on the Covid-19 Frontline Negatively Impacts Public Health at All Levels

Working on the Covid-19 Frontline Negatively Impacts Public Health at All Levels

1 February, 2022

Stress and Smoking Rates Up Among All Hospital Workers, New Hebrew U. Study Finds

A new study, published in the leading journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research’s special issue devoted to smoking and COVID-19, found that being on the COVID-19 frontlines could negatively impact hospital workers’ mental health—even during lull periods and even for ancillary hospital staff, such as maintenance workers and administrative staff.  

Clinical Results Show Tricor (Fenofibrate) Effective in Treating Severe Covid-19 Patients

Clinical Results Show Tricor (Fenofibrate) Effective in Treating Severe Covid-19 Patients

23 August, 2021

Hebrew University study shows lipid-lowering drug reduced inflammation in 48 hours and removed the need for oxygen support within 5 to 7 days for hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected over 165 million people worldwide causing nearly 3.5 million deaths. Recent vaccination efforts have been hindered by multiple coronavirus variants that challenge current vaccines. While infection generally produces a mild disease, in some patients it can develop into a severe inflammatory COVID-19 requiring medical intervention.

Israeli-German Team Taps Mortality Data to Uncover which Countries have Underreported their COVID-19 Deaths and the Extent of their Deception

Israeli-German Team Taps Mortality Data to Uncover which Countries have Underreported their COVID-19 Deaths and the Extent of their Deception

3 August, 2021
For the past year and a half, many of our decisions regarding whether it is safe to fly to country X or to vacation in country Y have been based a given country’s reported COVID-19 deaths.  These stats give the public a sense of how successful—or unsuccessful—that country has been at containing the spread of the coronavirus and its variant offspring.  However, not all countries have been playing fair.  Several have underreported their numbers, either deliberately or due to faulty testing capacities.

Holocaust Memory in the Shadow of Pandemic

Holocaust Memory in the Shadow of Pandemic

26 January, 2021

Hebrew University Study Analyzes How Corona Has Changed How We Remember

“This global crisis created a far more accepting culture for the role digital media must play in remembrance.”

 Part 2: Webinar: Understanding the Pandemic: Hebrew University Experts on Corona

Part 2: Webinar: Understanding the Pandemic: Hebrew University Experts on Corona

19 March, 2020

Join us for this special webinar series and learn directly from some of Hebrew University’s greatest minds about the implications of
the coronavirus.

1. Financial Implications of the Pandemic, Featuring Prof. Dan Galai

Monday, March 23, 20:00 Jerusalem time - Register Here.

Prof. Emeritus, the Jerusalem School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

 Downgrading Covid-19’s Threat to that of the Common Cold?

Downgrading Covid-19’s Threat to that of the Common Cold?

14 July, 2020

Promising Hebrew University - Mount Sinai Research Shows Coronavirus Causes Lungs to Accumulate Fat; Cholesterol-Lowering Drug May Hold Key to Stopping COVID-19 in its Tracks

Could a simple drug, that has been on the market for decades, be used to treat COVID-19?  A research team led by Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)’s Professor Yaakov Nahmias says that early research looks promising; their findings appear in this week’s Cell Press’ Sneak Peak.

HU Researchers: Israel at Increased Risk for a Coronavirus Resurgence

HU Researchers: Israel at Increased Risk for a Coronavirus Resurgence

19 August, 2020

The researchers’ updated analysis: “preparations must be carried out for tightening the current restrictions. Given the current rate of infection, another outbreak will be significantly worse than the first.” They are not warning of a separate wave, but rather a resurgence of the second wave. 

Webinar: Understanding the Pandemic: Hebrew University Experts on Corona

Webinar: Understanding the Pandemic: Hebrew University Experts on Corona

12 March, 2020

Join us for this special webinar series and learn directly from some of Hebrew University’s greatest minds about the implications of the coronavirus.

1. The Real Risk Of The Spread Of The CoronaVirus (French). Register Here.

2. Don't Panic: Dealing With Anxiety In The Age Of Coronavirus (English). Register Here.


A Beacon of Support for Small Businesses – HUBS-Aid Provides Unique Support for War Impacted Small Businesses

19 March, 2024

The HUBS-Aid project led by Hebrew University Business School (HUBS) responded to the Gaza conflict's impact on small businesses with innovative support, pairing them with mentors and students to devise tailored plans for recovery and growth. Around 80 businesses received vital assistance, demonstrating resilience and fostering community bonds amidst adversity.


For the First Time, a Joint Israeli-German School for Doctoral Students in the Field of Humanities

13 November, 2023

The "German Science Foundation" (DFG) has approved the financing of an innovative joint school for doctoral students, an international collaboration between the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Leipzig, and the Dubnow Institute in Leipzig. This groundbreaking academic initiative marks a significant step towards fostering international collaboration in the field of humanities.

In the media

Hebrew University Takes the Lead Among Israeli Universities with the Highest Number of 2023 ERC 'Starting Grant' Recipients

5 September, 2023

The European Research Council (ERC), the grant fund of the European Union, has allocated 16.7 million euros (NIS 69 million) to support ten researchers from Hebrew University with 'Starting Grants.' Each of these scholars will receive an individual grant ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 million euros, totaling 16,770,424 euros. Hebrew University stands out as the top-performing Israeli institution with the highest success rate in grant applications. Additionally, the university has witnessed a 5.5 percent increase in the number of grant recipients compared to 2022.

Hebrew University's Prof. Koby Nahmias

Breakthrough in Antibiotic Safety: Bionic Technology Blends Sensors and Human Tissue to Create Smart “Kidney-Chip”

23 November, 2022

Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health concern with global implications. Antibiotic-resistant infection affects over 2.8 million individuals each year in the United States alone, resulting in more than 35,000 annual deaths. New resistance mechanisms constantly emerge and spread globally, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and sepsis.


Yoram Aschheim

Hebrew University and Meta AI Launch Joint AI PhD Program to Drive Cutting-Edge Research

26 October, 2022

This first of its kind partnership between Meta and an Israeli university marks a significant step to bring industry-leading Artificial Intelligence research from Hebrew University’s Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering to the AI marketplace. 


(Jerusalem, October 26, 2022)--Today, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)’s School of Engineering and Computer Science and Yissum, HU’s technology transfer company announced a new research partnership with Meta AI.

In the media
Social Sciences
Hebrew University and Technion Partner with IBM to Advance Artificial Intelligence

Hebrew University and Technion Partner with IBM to Advance Artificial Intelligence

14 September, 2022

The Technion and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have signed a partnership agreement with IBM Research to advance artificial intelligence capabilities and applications in Israel. The collaboration was announced this week at a conference held by IBM in Tel Aviv to mark 50 years since the establishment of the IBM Research Lab in Israel.


Social Sciences
Light Trap

The Perfect Light Trap

7 September, 2022

Whether in photosynthesis or in a photovoltaic system: If you want to use light efficiently, you have to absorb it as completely as possible. However, this is difficult if the absorption is to take place in a thin layer of material that normally lets a large part of the light pass through.


In the media
A young lady has dental work done at a local dentist in Jerusalem July 22, 2008. (credit: DANIEL DREIFUSS/FLASH 90)

JERUSALEM POST OPED: Why people with disabilities have trouble with dentists - opinion

17 November, 2022

Why people with disabilities have trouble with dentists -

By Barbara Sofer, Israel director of public relations at Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. Her latest book is A Daughter of Many Mothers.

How can boys and girls, or men and women with intellectual and physical disabilities carry them out? For them, just sitting in the chair amid the machinery for long periods is a hardship.

In the media
Opinion Articles