Working with the Tiniest Magnets, Hebrew University Discovers New Magnetic Phenomenon with Industrial Potential

Working with the Tiniest Magnets, Hebrew University Discovers New Magnetic Phenomenon with Industrial Potential

12 April, 2022

Probing the world of the very, very small is a wonderland for physicists.  At this nano-scale, where materials as thin as 100 atoms are studied, totally new and unexpected phenomena are discovered.  Here, nature ceases to behave in a way that is predictable by the macroscopic law of physics, unlike what goes on in the world around us or out in the cosmos.

Hebrew University Veterinary School Concludes 12-Year Study of Street Cats, Reveals How to Successfully Control Population Numbers

Hebrew University Veterinary School Concludes 12-Year Study of Street Cats, Reveals How to Successfully Control Population Numbers

6 April, 2022

Increasing numbers of free-roaming street cats is a global problem.  In fact, stray cats are considered one of the world’s most invasive species.  However, while they pose a health risk to humans, destroy large numbers of wildlife and suffer from poor welfare, most people are reluctant to cull their numbers with the fierceness we bring to rat and cockroach populations.

Hebrew University Drs. Moran Yassour & Haitham Amal Awarded 2022 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research

Hebrew University Drs. Moran Yassour & Haitham Amal Awarded 2022 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research

6 April, 2022

Dr. Moran Yassour at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)’s Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and Dr. Haitham Amal, at HU’s Institute for Drug Research and the School of Pharmacy, have been awarded the prestigious Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, which is administered by the Wolf Foundation. The Krill Prize is awarded each year to 10 outstanding young researchers who have not yet been granted tenure. Winners are chosen based on standards of excellence and on the subject of their research.

Hebrew U. Develops Method to Evaluate Emerging Flat Lens Technologies

Hebrew U. Develops Method to Evaluate Emerging Flat Lens Technologies

28 March, 2022

Perhaps you are wearing glasses while reading this or have a cell phone, binoculars, a virtual reality headset or telescope.  All of them rely on high-quality lenses, which are bulky, expensive and heavy—especially when considering drones and satellites, where every gram counts.

Extending Fertility & Reversing Aging in Human Egg Cells

Extending Fertility & Reversing Aging in Human Egg Cells

8 March, 2022

"Within a decade, we hope to increase fertility among older women using anti-viral drugs"—Hebrew University’s Dr. Michael Klutstein.

Throughout much of the world, increasing numbers of women are delaying having their first child until they are in their late thirties, and even into their forties.  At this age, their eggs are rapidly deteriorating and, even with IVF, their prospects of conception are far from guaranteed.

Hebrew University Team Finds How Plants Make Aerial Roots

Hebrew University Team Finds How Plants Make Aerial Roots

3 March, 2022

Sometimes, to see the roots, you have to look up.

Roots are normally associated with things that live underground, in the damp and the dark. Think of turnips, radishes and yams. However, many plants make their roots above ground.  Ivy uses its roots to climb on buildings and the mighty ficus tree uses them to support their large branches.  What makes plants form roots in the “wrong place,” so to speak? That would be like us humans sprouting legs from our shoulders.

Big-Data Tracking Technologies can Uncover Wildlife Secrets & Reduce their Conflicts with Humans, International Team Led by HU Shows

Big-Data Tracking Technologies can Uncover Wildlife Secrets & Reduce their Conflicts with Humans, International Team Led by HU Shows

17 February, 2022

Movement is ubiquitous across the natural world. All organisms move, actively or passively, regularly or during specific life stages, to meet energy, survival, reproductive and social demands.  Movement affects a variety of ecological processes and the ability of individuals to cope with human-induced, rapid environmental changes.

Working on the Covid-19 Frontline Negatively Impacts Public Health at All Levels

Working on the Covid-19 Frontline Negatively Impacts Public Health at All Levels

1 February, 2022

Stress and Smoking Rates Up Among All Hospital Workers, New Hebrew U. Study Finds

A new study, published in the leading journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research’s special issue devoted to smoking and COVID-19, found that being on the COVID-19 frontlines could negatively impact hospital workers’ mental health—even during lull periods and even for ancillary hospital staff, such as maintenance workers and administrative staff.  

New Deans 2022

Series of Senior Appointments at Hebrew University Includes Four New Deans

12 July, 2022

New Deans at the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, and the School of Education


(Jerusalem, July 12, 2022) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has announced the appointment of four new deans who will take up their posts at the beginning of the upcoming academic year in October 2022.

Hebrew University Appoints New Rector—Professor Tamir Sheafer

Hebrew University Appoints New Rector—Professor Tamir Sheafer

23 May, 2022

Sheafer Replaces Prof. Barak Medina, HU Rector Since 2017

Professor Tamir Sheafer was chosen by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)’s Senate as the university’s new rector.  For the last six years, Sheafer has served as Dean of HU’s Faculty of Social Sciences.  His field of expertise is digital and comparative communications.  Over the past two decades, Sheafer has led several international research groups to study the impact of political systems and the strength of a democracy on that country’s political processes and communications.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Addresses Hebrew University Community

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Addresses Hebrew University Community

23 June, 2022

On Eve of 4 Month Anniversary of Russian Invasion, Zelenskyy Asks the World, “How Can You Not Help the Victims of Such Aggression?”

Today, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) in a live speech from Kiev. The speech was broadcast on the university’s social media channels and followed by Q&A with students and staff.

The 2022 Hebrew University Dan Maydan Prize for Nanoscience Goes to MIT Prof. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

The 2022 Hebrew University Dan Maydan Prize for Nanoscience Goes to MIT Prof. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

25 May, 2022

MIT physics Professor Pablo Jarillo-Herrero has won the 2022 Dan Maydan Prize for Nanoscience Research for his pioneering work on two-dimensional nanomaterials.  The Dan Maydan Prize was established by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) in 2018, with the generous contribution of Dr. Maydan, who played a central role in establishing the Israeli National Nanotechnology Initiative (INNI).  The INNI helped position Israel as a leader in nanotech and led to the opening of 10 nanotech centers in the country, including HU’s Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Ecuadoran President Guillermo Lasso visits Hebrew University

Ecuadoran President Guillermo Lasso visits Hebrew University

12 May, 2022

Ecuadoran President Guillermo Lasso became the 1st sitting president of his country to visit Israel.  He arrived with a 100-member delegation that will remain in country for two weeks to visit Israeli universities and innovative projects.

Today at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Lasso and his wife First Lady Maria de Lourdes Alcivar, inaugurated Ecuador’s Office for Technology and Innovation and held a business conference called “Ecuador Open for Business” to develop investments and public-private partnerships with key players in Israel’s ecosystem. 

Following Hebrew University's Emergency Aid for Ukrainian Academic Staff & Students: 10 Refugees Arrive on Campus

Following Hebrew University's Emergency Aid for Ukrainian Academic Staff & Students: 10 Refugees Arrive on Campus

13 April, 2022

Considering the threat on the lives of academics and university students in Ukraine, and in a show of solidarity, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) has offered academic hosting for Ukrainian academic staff and students.  To date, 18 such refugees have been accepted to continue their studies at the University and 10 have already arrived at our Jerusalem and Rehovot campuses. 

Hebrew University Drs. Moran Yassour & Haitham Amal Awarded 2022 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research

Hebrew University Drs. Moran Yassour & Haitham Amal Awarded 2022 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research

6 April, 2022

Dr. Moran Yassour at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)’s Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and Dr. Haitham Amal, at HU’s Institute for Drug Research and the School of Pharmacy, have been awarded the prestigious Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, which is administered by the Wolf Foundation. The Krill Prize is awarded each year to 10 outstanding young researchers who have not yet been granted tenure. Winners are chosen based on standards of excellence and on the subject of their research.

Senior Moroccan Academic Delegation Visits Hebrew University

Senior Moroccan Academic Delegation Visits Hebrew University

31 March, 2022

Israel’s academic cooperation with Morocco hit a high point this week with the visit of a senior delegation from Morocco’s Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI).

Seeking to establish a medical school and school of pharmacy, the UM6P representatives met with Professor Dina Ben Yehuda, Dean of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, to learn how HUJI prepares its future doctors for a medical career based on computational medicine and AI, while maintaining humanity and compassion for their patients.

German Chancellor Scholz's First Visit to Israel

German Chancellor Scholz's First Visit to Israel

2 March, 2022

New Hebrew U. Survey Probes German and Israelis Perceptions of One Another, Shows Bilateral Support for Germany as Middle-East Mediator

The visit to Israel on March 2nd of Germany's newly-elected Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, heralds a new era in German-Israel ties.  On the heels of this visit, it is timely to announce the findings of a recent survey conducted in Israel and Germany by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU)'s European Forum, which reveals a complex picture regarding Israeli perceptions of Germany, as well as German perceptions of Israel. 


Students - news

The Hebrew University - In Space!

The Hebrew University - In Space!

3 September, 2020

A joint Israeli-Italian nanosatellite has been launched into space – with a Hebrew University experiment on board!  
