Hebrew University Research Finds Optimism Extends Life Expectancy Among Seniors

Hebrew University Research Finds Optimism Extends Life Expectancy Among Seniors

1 June, 2021

Happiness might lead to better health but does it help you live longer? That’s a question that researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) took on in a longitudinal study they began back in the 1990s.  They looked at the impact of optimism on longevity and found that maintaining a positive outlook can directly extend your life. Professor Jochanan Stessman, Director of HU’s Institute on Aging led the study, along with HU’s Prof. Jeremy Jacobs and Dr. Yoram Maaravi.  They published their findings in The Journals of Gerontology.

Hebrew University Researchers Decipher the Sweet Taste of Heavy Water

Hebrew University Researchers Decipher the Sweet Taste of Heavy Water

6 May, 2021

A long-standing, unresolved puzzle concerns the taste of heavy water.  Regular water has no distinct taste but rumors indicate that heavy water tastes sweet.  Why is this so if heavy water, D2O, is practically identical to ordinary water, H2O? 

HUJI Bites: The Biology of Honeybees with Dr. Sharoni Shafir

HUJI Bites: The Biology of Honeybees with Dr. Sharoni Shafir

16 April, 2021

This week marks Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut.  A time to honor Israel’s fallen soldiers, as well as celebrate Israel Independence Day.

On this episode of HUJI Bites, we speak with Dr. Sharoni Shafir, head of the recently established Institute of Environmental Sciences at The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment at The Hebrew University. The Institute works to promote research and teaching in environmental sciences in agriculture – combining the diverse research approaches of the over 40 research laboratories that comprise the Institute.

Making Sense of Megadroughts with Dr. Nathan Steiger

Making Sense of Megadroughts with Dr. Nathan Steiger

23 April, 2021

Featuring Dr. Nathan Steiger, The Fredy and Nadine Hermann Institute of Earth Science in the Faculty of Science This week we celebrate Earth Day – a day that promotes clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for people and wildlife alike. A main component to a cleaner environment is climate education. At The Fredy and Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences at The Hebrew University they are doing just that – focusing on the latest in the fields of climate change, water resources and natural hazards.

HUJI Bites: A Formula for Success with Prof. Hillel Furstenberg, Abel Prize Winner 2020

HUJI Bites: A Formula for Success with Prof. Hillel Furstenberg, Abel Prize Winner 2020

29 April, 2021

Professor Hillel Furstenberg, a researcher in the Einstein Institute for Mathematics and professor emeritus at The Hebrew University, was awarded the 2020 Abel Prize – the Nobel Prize of Mathematics. The award recognized his incredible achievements and contributions in the field, and he is the first Israeli to win this prestigious prize.

In the media
HUJI Bites: The Power of Listening with Prof. Avi Kluger

HUJI Bites: The Power of Listening with Prof. Avi Kluger

19 March, 2021

Listen to this - Avraham (Avi) Kluger is a professor of Organizational Behavior at the Jerusalem School of Business Administration at The Hebrew University. His area of expertise – listening.

Kluger has studied the destructive effects of performance feedback for over 20 years and is considered the father of many HR methods that are being used in some of the biggest companies around the world.

On this episode of HUJI Bites, Kluger explains why he became interested in this field and how learning to listen can lead to a change, not only in others, but in yourself.

Adi Torfstein

HUJI Bites: Understanding the Climate with Dr. Adi Torfstein

26 March, 2021

On this episode of HUJI Bites, Dr. Adi Torfstein shares his research, which reconstructs past climate changes and the mechanisms driving them to better understand current and future global climate change. Using field observations together with chemical analysis, Dr. Torfstein and his team are able to understand the past and apply it to evaluating potential future climate change trends.

Dr. Torfstein, is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Earth Science at the Hebrew University, and at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences of Eilat.
