Social Sciences

Comprehensive Hebrew U. Audit Uncovers Tobacco Companies’ Sneaky Tactics to Circumvent Regulators and Target Kids

Comprehensive Hebrew U. Audit Uncovers Tobacco Companies’ Sneaky Tactics to Circumvent Regulators and Target Kids

12 July, 2021

Smoking among young teens has become an increasingly challenging and costly public healthcare issue.  Despite legislation to prevent the marketing of tobacco products to children, tobacco companies have shrewdly adapted their advertising tactics to circumvent the ban and maintain their access to this impressionable—and growing—market share. 

Social Sciences
In Israeli Academic First, Hebrew University Launches an International Master’s Program  in “Smart Cities and Urban Informatics”

In Israeli Academic First, Hebrew University Launches an International Master’s Program in “Smart Cities and Urban Informatics”

14 March, 2021

With urban areas growing dominant globally, cities  are increasingly being challenged to develop the urban environment in ways that both embrace technology but also preserve and enhance urban quality of life.  This motivation has popularized the idea of designing ‘smart cities’ equipped to confront  the challenges and opportunities of the ever-growing city.  

Social Sciences