Tips to Help You Succeed in Your Academic Studies

14 October, 2024
Tips to Help You Succeed in Your Academic Studies

As the academic year begins, many students are looking for strategies to improve their learning and excel in their studies.

Prof. Christa Asterhan, a leading expert in the science of learning from the Seymour Fox School of Education at The Hebrew University, offers 10 essential tips to help you study better.

  1. Be an Active Learner

Better learning happens when you actively engage with the information you read, hear, and see. Examples of active engagement are, among others, summarizing, linking to prior knowledge, asking questions, translating into your own words, discussing, creating visual representations, and problem-solving. Apply this across all aspects of your studies, from lectures to reading and watching videos.

  1. Avoid Shortcuts

Though it may be tempting to use pre-made summaries or lecture slides, deep learning happens when you process the material yourself. If you do use pre-made resources, engage with them actively—such as by integrating your own notes into the lecture slides.

  1. Create a Distraction-Free Learning Environment

Do not fall in the multitasking trap, it is a myth! Even if you think you are capable of answering WhatsApp messages, look up dinner recipes, check the news, and study at the same time—you really are not. Deliberate learning requires attention. Create a distraction-free study environment by closing irrelevant apps and content to retain your attention. Built-in tools, like "Work Mode" on Android or "Focus Mode" on iPhone, can help.

  1. Test Yourself

Don't simply rely on re-reading or re-watching materials. Self-testing through questions or exercises is an effective way to strengthen your memory and identify gaps in your understanding.

  1. Make Learning More Social

Discuss, share, and talk with your peers. Study buddies and groups can provide valuable support, help you stay motivated, and offer opportunities for collaborative learning. Watch online or recorded lectures with classmates and make the experience more interactive and social.

  1. Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask questions before, during and after class. Even just formulating a question can help you process the material better, whether or not you will receive an immediate answer.

  1. Learn from Feedback

View mistakes and feedback as opportunities to learn. Ask for elaborated feedback from your professors and study it carefully—it's valuable! Use opportunities for corrections and retake exams if necessary. Remember: a grade is just a reflection of your performance at a specific moment, not a measure of your worth. There's always room for improvement.

  1. Space Out Your Studying

Instead of cramming for exams, try spreading your study sessions over time. Spaced learning results in better long-term retention.

  1. Don’t Hesitate to Seek Help

The transition to academia is challenging for everyone. Seeking support is a sign of wisdom, not of weakness or that you do not belong in academia. Make use of the resources available at your university, including office hours and student support services. Prioritize help that empowers you to learn independently.

  1. Take Responsibility for Your Learning

Higher education study programs offer more autonomy and freedom of choice, but it also requires more responsibility. Make time for studying, going to classes and completing tasks. Regulate your own learning by setting reasonable goals, monitoring your progress and motivating yourself.

To conclude, academic success is not just about talent, but also about adopting the right learning strategies and habits. By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to face challenges and make the most of your studies. Best of luck in the coming academic year!


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Israel’s premier academic and research institution. With over 23,000 students from 90 countries, it is a hub for advancing scientific knowledge and holds a significant role in Israel’s civilian scientific research output, accounting for nearly 40% of it and has registered over 11,000 patents. The university’s faculty and alumni have earned eight Nobel Prizes, two Turing Awards a Fields Medal, underscoring their contributions to ground-breaking discoveries. In the global arena, the Hebrew University ranks 81st according to the Shanghai Ranking. To learn more about the university’s academic programs, research initiatives, and achievements, visit the official website at