Religious Services

Hebrew University is proud of its diverse and inclusive academic community and welcomes students and faculty from all backgrounds.
The university is especially committed to nurturing an environment of religious freedom, offering a range of services to its Jewish and Muslim students, as well as to those of other faiths. Each campus has a synagogue for Jews and prayer rooms for Muslims.
For the Jewish Community
Hebrew University’s academic calendar is synchronized with all the Jewish holidays. All the cafeterias and eating facilities on campus are kosher.
Special events are organized regularly for Jewish students, including study evenings, symposia, activities and celebrations marking Jewish holidays, and more. Regular prayer services are held daily and counseling services on halakhic and religious issues are provided.
Daily Prayer Services
Mt. Scopus campus:
Hecht Synagogue, Faculty of Humanities:
- Morning prayers ('shacharit') at 7:00.
- Afternoon prayers ('mincha) at 13:20, 14:10 & 16:10.
- Evening prayers ('aravit') at 18:10 & 20:10.
Student Village:
- Prayers are held in the activities room in building 4.
- Sabbath ('Shabbat') prayers and meals are organized by student dorm activity coordinators.
Edmond J. Safra (Givat Ram) campus:
- The Israel Goldstein Synagogue (opposite the dormitory buildings) holds regular prayer services.
Afternoon prayers ('mincha'):
- At the National Library at 13:30 & 16:00.
- At the Administration building and in the Casali building bomb shelter at 13:45.
Evening prayers ('aravit'):
- At the Popik building bomb shelter and in building 9 of the student dormitories at 22:00.
Rehovot campus:
Prayers are held daily (organized by students):
- Morning prayers ('shacharit') at the synagogue in the student dorms at 7:00.
- Afternoon prayers ('mincha') at the Administration building.
- Evening prayers ('aravit') at the synagogue in the student dorms at 22:00.
Ein Kerem campus:
- Daily prayers are held in the Hadassah Medical Center synagogue.
For the Muslim Community
Hebrew University has prayer rooms for Muslims at each campus:
- Mt. Scopus – In the bomb shelter, Faculty of Humanities, block 4-5.
- Edmond J. Safra (Givat Ram) – In the bomb shelter, under the computer center.
- Rehovot – On the ground floor of the lectures building.
- Ein Karem – At the School of Medicine
For the Christian Community
The Fellowship of Christian Students in Israel (FCSI) caters to the mental, spiritual and emotional needs of Christian students through offering Bible study, prayer, pastoral care, training opportunities and conferences. FCSI also helps connect students with local churches and congregations. For more information, contact Lavinia (; +972 58 683 8653) or Kevin Nalty (; +972 50 3014332).
Beit Midrash Program
The Beit Midrash program offers Hebrew University students access to Jewish studies in addition to their regular academic programs. Students can fortify their knowledge of Judaism, their Jewish identity, or their commitment to Jewish values and can acquire a deeper spiritual understanding of our world. The rich program includes 'shiurim' and lectures on Torah, Talmud, Halakha, and Jewish thought and philosophy. The Beit Midrash program is open to men and women, religious and secular.
Coordinator for Religious Affairs
The coordinator for religious affairs provides information and counseling on matters of religious practice, traditions, kosher dietary laws, academic calendars, Jewish holidays, weddings, and more. Students are invited to join a range of study programs and religious classes (such as Bible, Gemara, Jewish thought, etc.) that take place on campus in partnership with Hillel House, Tchelet, Chaverim, Kesher Yehudi, and more.
For your convenience, the coordinator for religious affairs also works with the Tzohar rabbinic organization (that has a marriage registration office).
For additional information, please contact:
Arieh Solomon, Coordinator of Religious Affairs
Tel: 02-5883886 / 050-5624856