(Consolidated Version)
Last updated: June 2022
In pursuance of the Zionist aspiration of the Jewish people, the Hebrew University was established in Jerusalem in 1925 for the encouragement and promotion of learning and research in all branches of knowledge; there was therefore formed in Palestine an association under Ottoman Law, known as the Hebrew University Association, for the purpose of maintaining and promoting the said University (hereinafter referred to as "the University") and enlisting the support of the Jewish people for its maintenance and development; by virtue of the Council for Higher Education Law 5718-1958, the University is a recognized institution of higher education, and has, by virtue thereof, been recognized as a corporation with all the rights and obligations thereof and as an institution that is at liberty to conduct its academic and administrative affairs; therefore the University decided to draw up a Constitution that shall prescribe the manner in which these affairs are conducted, and give expression to the joint responsibilities of the people of Israel and of the Jews outside Israel for the establishment and growth of the University.
And this is the Constitution:
- Name: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- The University shall be open to all persons without distinction of race, sex, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
- The objectives of the University are to promote and cultivate Jewish studies, the study of humanities, arts, science and all other branches of learning, and to provide for research and instruction and any other means for the advancement and dissemination of these subjects.
- Hebrew shall be the language of instruction, but for special subjects or under special circumstances pursuant to regulations which may be adopted, it is permissible to deviate from this rule.
- The University shall have the following powers:
(1) To establish Faculties, Schools and Institutes;
(2) To apply the results of research for general purposes;
(3) To institute such academic, administrative and other positions as may from time to time be required, and to appoint the holders thereof;
(4) To appoint examiners and hold examinations and to grant and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic qualifications to and on persons who, having pursued a course of studies provided or approved by the University, shall have passed the examinations and complied with all other requirements of the University;
(5) To confer honorary degrees or other distinctions on persons approved by the University, and under the conditions which may be prescribed;
(6) To confer degrees on any members of the academic staff of the University or on other persons in recognition of research and instruction;
(7) To provide lectures and instruction;
(8) To create and confer fellowships and prizes;
(9) To examine and inspect schools and other educational institutions;
(10) To cooperate with other universities or institutions of higher education, and to affiliate to or incorporate in the University, or to recognize either in whole or in part, any college or institution, or the members or students thereof, upon such terms and conditions as the University may determine;
(11) To establish and maintain a University Press for the publications of books, pamphlets and periodicals calculated to promote learning;
(12) To admit students and demand and receive such tuition and other fees as may be prescribed by the University, and vary such fees on economic or other grounds;
(13) To institute and maintain or license halls, hostels and refectories for students and members of the academic and administrative staffs of the University;
(14) To encourage sport activities and to make arrangements for promoting the health and welfare of students and members of the academic and administrative staffs;
(15) To supervise the discipline of students of the University and to enforce disciplinary measures;
(16) To solicit and receive gifts, donations, membership fees, contributions, subscriptions, endowments, devises, bequests, trust-funds, subvention and grants-in-aid, and to administer, deal with or dispose of them for the advancement of the objectives of the University;
(17) To do all or any of the acts and things which a company registered in Israel can do, insofar as the same are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the University.
- The officers of the University shall be the President, the Rector and such other officers, as shall be determined in the General Statutes.
- The President is the Head of the University, responsible to the Board of Governors for the management of the University, its standards and quality, and for the fulfillment by all officers and authorities of the University of their functions within the academic and administrative structure of the University. The President represents the University externally. All executive powers required for the management of the University are vested in the President, subject to the Constitution and the General Statutes.
- The Rector is the academic head of the University and is vested with full powers in academic matters. In this capacity and subject to the Constitution and General Statutes, the Rector is responsible to the Senate.
These are the University Authorities:
(a) The Board of Governors.
(b) The Executive Committee.
(c) The Board of Managers.
(d) The Senate.
(e) The Standing Committee of the Senate.
(f) The Academic Policy Committee.
The composition, powers and functions of the University authorities shall be defined in the General Statutes
- Faculties and Schools will be established; their composition, powers and functions shall be defined in the General Statutes.
- The General Statutes shall contain provisions on all matters which require provisions therein under this Constitution, and all such other matters as the Board of Governors decides to include. The General Statutes are those set out in the Schedule to this Constitution.
- Any amendment of the General Statutes may be proposed by the Board of Governors, the Senate or the Executive Committee, and shall require for its validity resolutions of the three bodies by a simple majority of those present and voting; provided that, where any such amendment is passed by the Senate and the Executive Committee between sessions of the Board of Governors, it may, if the President and Rector confirm the urgency of the matter, become effective until the next session of the Board; and provided further that, where any such amendment is passed either by the Senate or by the Executive Committee, and is rejected by the other, the Board of Governors may adopt such amendment with a majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting.
- a. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and of the General Statutes and of any regulations which may be made under them, the authorities of the University may from time to time make or amend regulations to the following matters:
(1) their respective proceedings;
(2) the manner of executing their powers and functions;
(3) any other matter prescribed by the General Statutes.
b. Regulations made in accordance with this section shall be published by the University in the manner it deems appropriate.
- Reference to the University in any document, whether executed before or after the coming into force of this Constitution, by any name other thanהאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) but by which the University can be identified, shall be deemed to be a valid reference to the University.
- Where any Authority of the University is by this Constitution or by the General Statutes given power to appoint committees, such committees shall, unless the General Statutes otherwise provide, consist of members of the Authority concerned, or of such members and such other persons as the Authority may think fit to co-opt.
- Subject to the provisions of the General Statutes, any vacancy among the members (other than ex-officio members) of any Authority or other body of the University shall as soon as practicable be filled by the Authority or body (as the case may be) which appointed, elected or co-opted the member whose place has become vacant, and the replacement shall be a member of such Authority or body for the remainder of the term for which the person being replaced would have been a member.
- No act or decision of any Authority or other body of the University shall be invalidated merely by reason of the existence of any vacancies among its members; provided that the quorum prescribed for such Authority or other body by the General Statutes has not been affected by such vacancies.
- No property or income of the University shall be used other than for the attainment or furtherance of the objects of the University; and in the event of liquidation of the University, or in the event that the objects of the University can no longer be attained or furthered, the property of the University shall not be distributed to its Officers or the members of any of its Authorities.
- Any act or thing done before the coming into force of this Constitution and the General Statutes shall be deemed to be valid if it was done in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution or the General Statutes appended hereto, or if it was done in accordance with the Constitution and General Statutes which were in force at the time, as the case may be.
- This Constitution may be amended on the proposal of the Board of Governors, the Senate or the Executive Committee, and by a two-third majority of the members present and voting in the Senate and in the Executive Committee, and by a simple majority of members present and voting in the Board of Governors.
- This Constitution shall come into force on the date of its publication, and it repeals any previously existing Constitution.
- The Board of Governors (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") shall consist of appointed members (hereinafter referred to as "Governors") and ex-officio members as specified below.
- Number of Governors
The number of Governors shall from time to time be determined by the Board.
- Appointment of Governors
(a) The appointment of Governors shall be by way of addition of Governors by the Board, at its free discretion. The Board shall have regard to the following principles:
(1) Societies of Friends of the University providing substantial support to the University shall have a reasonable measure of representation;
(2) The Students of the University shall be represented by the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of that organization of students which is recognized by the Executive Committee of the University as representing the student body of the University;
(3) A reasonable measure of representation shall be accorded to scholars and scientists of renown, including professors emeriti of the Hebrew University;
- Limitation on Receiving Remuneration
No Governor, except for the ex-officio Governors and Governors who are University pensioners shall receive any remuneration or salary from the University. For purposes of this provision, reimbursement for actual expenses incurred as a Governor shall not be deemed remuneration.
- Ex-Officio Members
(a) The ex-officio Governors shall be the Chairperson and the Honorary Chairpersons of the Board, the Chairperson of the Board of Managers, the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, the President, the Rector, the Chancellor, the Vice Presidents, the Vice Rector or Vice Rectors, the other academic members of the Executive Committee, and the Deans of the Faculties and Independent Schools.
(b) The number of Governors who are members of academic faculty shall not exceed 20% of the total number of Governors.
(c) Members of the Union committees of academic faculty shall not serve as Governors on the Board of Governors.
- Period of Office of Governors
(a) The period of office of a Governor shall be three years.
(b) A retiring Governor shall act as Governor throughout the session at which s/he retires and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The period of the Governor’s office shall be calculated from the date of her/his last appointment.
(c) The Board may fill the vacated office of any Governor at the session at which s/he ceases to be a Governor.
- Age Limit for Governors and Associate Governors
- Appointment of Associate Governors
- Period of Office of Associate Governors
- Filling of Vacant Positions by the Executive Committee
Any vacancy among the Governors between two ordinary sessions of the Board may be filled by another person appointed by the Executive Committee. The person so appointed shall retire from office at the time at which the Governor whose place is being filled would have been subject to retirement.
- Honorary Governors
The Board may appoint as Honorary Governors for life, persons who have made a substantial contribution or rendered eminent service to the University, to science, education, to the Jewish people or the State of Israel, Honorary Governors shall be invited to the meetings of the Board but shall not have the right to vote.
- Sessions of the Board
(a) The Board shall meet in ordinary session once a year. It shall also meet in extraordinary session whenever the Chairperson, in agreement with the majority of the Deputy Chairpersons, finds this necessary, or on the requisition in writing of not less than one-quarter of the Governors and the ex-officio Governors.
(b) Any ordinary or extraordinary session shall be held on such date as may be fixed by the Chairperson after consultation with the President. The place of any ordinary or extraordinary session shall be Jerusalem, but if this be impracticable, the Chairperson may, after consultation with the President, fix such other place as s/he thinks fit.
- Chairperson and Deputy Chairpersons
(a) The Board shall elect a Chairperson who is not a faculty member of the University, in consultation with the Board of Managers and the President. The Board of Governors shall appoint a Search Committee for the purpose of electing a Chairperson as aforesaid. The Chairperson shall be appointed for a period of office of three years, and may be re-elected for no more than two additional consecutive periods of office of three years each.
(b) The Board may likewise elect from amongst its members one or more Deputy Chairpersons, but no more than six, for a period of three years or for a shorter period with right of re-election, but for no longer than two additional consecutive periods of office, each of three years or less.
(c) The Chairperson, or in her/his absence, one of the Deputy Chairpersons, shall preside at meetings of the Board during her/his term of office, and in the event of the votes of the members being equally divided shall have a second and casting vote.
(d) The Board of Governors may from time to time appoint one or more Honorary Chairpersons to hold office for such period as the Board may determine.
- Quorum
At any meeting of the Board one-quarter of the members shall form a quorum, provided that at least ten of the members present at such meeting are Governors from Israel, and ten are Governors from abroad.
14A. Compulsory Attendance at Meetings
In the event that an elected member of the Board of Governors is absent from three consecutive meetings, her/his period of office as a member of the Board may be terminated, unless notice was given to the Chairperson of the Board of such absence, and the Board decided that there was sufficient reason for the absence.
- Invitees to a Meeting
The Chairperson may invite to any meeting of the Board one or more persons proposed by the President or Rector, as well as persons of academic or public standing or distinction, as s/he may think fit. Any person so invited may take part in the discussions of the meeting, but shall have no right to vote.
- Board Committees
(a) The Board may appoint committees for such purposes as it deems desirable. Their composition, powers and functions shall be prescribed in Statutes as approved by the Executive Committee and the Board of Governors.
(b) Each committee shall have a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.
(c) The Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and members of each committee shall be elected by the Board of Governors for a period of three years and may be re-elected.
- Powers and Functions of the Board
The Board of Governors shall have the following powers:
(a) Appointment of the Chairperson of the Board;
(b) Ratification of the appointment of the President;
(c) Ratification of financial reports;
(d) Appointment of Board members and Board office holders;
(e) Approval of amendments to the University’s Constitution and General Statutes;
(f) Discussion of the basic guidelines for the functioning of the University;
(g) Receipt of reports on the financial and other aspects of the University;
(h) Appointment of trustees for any funds of the University;
(i) Monitoring the activity of the University;
(j) Making recommendations to the University institutions;
(k) Discussion of reports that are submitted to it by University authorities;
(l) Fostering the University’s external relations;
(m) Fund-raising;
(n) Ratification of the appointment of the Chairperson of the Executive Committee
- Composition
The Executive Committee shall be composed of forty members as follows:
(a) The Chairperson of the Board of Governors;
(b) The Rector;
(c) The Vice Rector; in the event that two Vice Rectors are appointed, the Rector shall determine which Vice Rector shall be a member;
(d) Eleven full professors elected by the Senate;
(e) Twenty-six members elected by the Board from amongst its members, including the following ex-officio: the President, the Chancellor, the Director General (Vice President for Finance and Administration), the Chairperson of the Finance Committee; a minimum of twelve members shall be residents of Israel who are not members of the Senate, and a minimum of twelve members shall be overseas residents. Deans of Faculties and Independent Schools shall not serve on the Executive Committee.
- Alternate Members
(a) The Board shall elect, from amongst its members, twelve alternate members, who reside abroad, to deputize for members of the Executive Committee who reside abroad.
(b) The Board shall elect, from amongst its members, four alternate members, who reside in Israel, to deputize for members of the Executive Committee who reside in Israel and who are not representatives of the Senate.
(c) The Senate shall elect four alternate members to deputize for its representatives.
(d) The alternate members shall be invited to all meetings of the Executive Committee and shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations thereof. The Executive Committee shall make regulations as to how alternate members shall be entitled to exercise the vote of absent members.
- Filling of Vacant Positions
Any vacancy among the members of the Executive Committee occurring between two sessions of the Board may be filled as follows:
(a) The place of members appointed under section 18(b) shall be filled by the Senate from among its members.
(b) The place of members appointed under section 18(c) who are residents of Israel shall be filled by the Executive Committee from among the members of the Board of Governors who are residents of Israel and are not representatives of the Senate;
(c) The place of members appointed under section 18(c) who are not residents of Israel shall be filled by the Executive Committee from among alternate members who are not residents of Israel.
- Invitation to Meetings
(a) The Executive Committee or the Chairperson of the Executive Committee may invite persons who are not amongst its members to attend its meetings.
(b) The Chairperson of the Senior Academic Faculty Association of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee.
Whosoever is invited as aforesaid may participate in the deliberations of the Executive Committee, but shall not have the right to vote.
- Term of Membership
(a) Members and alternate members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of three years, with the right of re-election for additional terms of three years.
(b) Upon expiration of her/his term of office, a member of the Executive Committee may be elected as an alternate member, and an alternate member may, upon expiration of her/his term of office, be elected as a member, but no person may serve as a member and an alternate member of the Executive Committee for a total period exceeding twelve consecutive years. This time limit shall not include the periods of service of the Executive Committee member in the following capacities:
(i) President of a national Friends organization;
(ii) Chairperson of the Board of Managers;
(iii) Chairperson of the following committees: Budget and Finance; Nominations; Campaign
(c) Ex-officio members shall serve on the Executive Committee for as long as they hold office.
- Quorum
The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be 60% of its membership
. - Compulsory Attendance at Meetings
If an elected member of the Executive Committee is absent from three consecutive meetings, her/his term of office as a member of the Executive Committee may be terminated, unless s/he gave notice of such absence to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee is satisfied that there was sufficient reason for the absence.
- Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
(a) The Board of Governors may decide, in accordance with circumstances, to appoint the Chairperson of the Board as Chairperson of the Executive Committee or it may decide to appoint a Chairperson of the Executive Committee who is not Chairperson of the Board. In either event the Board shall elect a Deputy Chairperson of the Executive Committee. If the Chairperson resides abroad, a Deputy Chairperson of the Board who is resident in Israel shall be elected.
(b) In the absence of the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, the Deputy Chairperson shall preside over the Executive Committee; in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson, the Executive Committee shall elect from among the representatives of the public a member who shall serve as Chairperson for that meeting.
(c) The Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second and casting vote in case of equality of votes.
- Meetings of the Executive Committee
(a) The Executive Committee shall meet from time to time as shall be determined by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, but not less than twice a year. If the Chairperson is unable to function, the times of the meetings shall be determined by the Deputy Chairperson.
(b) Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened upon proper notice by the Chairperson thereof, or if the Chairperson is for any reason unable to function, by the Deputy Chairperson. In addition, special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened upon proper notice, by the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson upon the written request of:
(1) The President; or
(2) The Rector; or
(3) Eight members of the Executive Committee.
(c) Due notice of a meeting shall be not less than two weeks. The Chairperson of the Board may convene special meetings of the Executive Committee on no less than forty-eight hours’ notice.
(d) An agenda for each meeting shall be prepared on behalf of the Chairperson and circulated among the members of the Executive Committee within reasonable time prior to the meeting.
- Referral to Board of Governors
Upon deeming that a particular matter raised before the Executive Committee ought to be referred to the Board of Governors, the Chairperson shall be entitled either to suspend any resolution passed by the Executive Committee on such matter until the same is dealt with by the Board, or, at her/his discretion, to allow such resolution to stand provisionally, and be acted upon pending the decision of the Board, but the Executive Committee must be notified of this before the beginning of the discussion.
- Special Authority in Urgent Matters
The Executive Committee may exercise, in any particular matter, the powers and functions of the Board of Governors between sessions of the Board, if the Chairperson of the Executive Committee considers such matters to be urgent, but subject to the right of the Board to reconsider the matter and take a decision.
- Powers and Functions of the Executive Committee
The following are the powers and functions of the Executive Committee:
(a) To elect a Search Committee for the President;
(b) To elect the President upon the recommendation of the Search Committee after approval of such recommendation by the Board of Managers;
(c) To appoint the Vice Presidents, following consultation with the President.
(d) To determine rules for the preparation of University budgets, financial reports, balances, estimates of income and expenditures, audit and control;
(e) To examine and ratify proposed financial and budgetary reports for their submission to the Board, provided they have already been approved by the Board of Managers;
(f) To appoint an Independent Comptroller for the University and a Committee for Matters of Control;
(g) To appoint committees for such purposes as it may deem fit and delegate to any committee such of its powers and functions as it may determine. Any such committee may be composed partly of members of the Executive Committee and partly of members of the academic or administrative staff of the University, or of administrative officers alone, or such other persons as the Executive Committee may determine.
(h) To receive annual reports on the subjects specified below and to discuss them:
(1) The mode of management of the affairs of the University, its enterprises and its assets.
(2) The multi-year plans and budgets for the development of the University.
(3) The regular annual plans and annual budgets for the development of the University.
(4) The establishment of new academic bodies, including study and research units, chairs, and the appointment of those in charge of them, and reports concerning changes in the structure of existing academic bodies, if these structural changes have financial ramifications.
(5) The academic activities of the University and substantive arrangements between the University and other bodies.
(6) Reports from the Committee for Matters of Control and from other committees of the Board.
(i) To appoint to the Board of Managers the members of the academic faculty from amongst the Senate representatives on the Executive Committee.
(j) To propose amendments to the Constitution and the General Statutes and to approve them.
- Secretary of the Executive Committee
A Secretary of the Executive Committee shall be appointed. A confirmation issued under the hand of the Secretary as to any proceedings or resolutions of the Executive Committee, or of any committee appointed by the Executive Committee, shall be sufficient proof of the contents thereof.
- Composition and Term of Office
(a) The Board of Managers shall be composed as follows:
(1) The Chairperson of the Board of Governors;
(2) The President;
(3) The Rector;
(4) Nine representatives of the public, residing in Israel, at least five of whom shall not serve as members of the Executive Committee nor of the Board of Governors;
(5) Three members of the University academic staff, from among the representatives of the Senate on the Executive Committee, who shall be elected by the Executive Committee.
(b) The members of the Board of Managers pursuant to sections 31(a)(1), (2) and (3) shall be ex-officio members.
(c) The Director General and the Vice Presidents shall be invited to participate in all meetings of the Board of Managers.
(d) The members of the Board of Managers who hold office pursuant to sections 31(a)(4) and (5) shall serve for a period of three years, and may be re-elected for no more than two additional terms of office.
(e) The members of the Board of Managers pursuant to section 31(a)(4) shall be selected by a Search Committee of four members, which will be appointed by the Board of Managers, and which will be comprised as follows:
(1) An emeritus judge who is not a member of the Board of Managers, who shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee.
(2) Two members of the Board of Managers.
(3) A public representative who is not a member of the Board of Managers, who shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee.
The provisions of section 31(a)(4) and section 31(e) shall not apply to members of the Board of Managers who served during the 2018-19 academic year, and who were elected in accordance with the regulations that were in effect at the time of their election.
(f) The Executive Committee may terminate the membership of members of the Board of Managers pursuant to section 31(a)(4), by the affirmative vote of over 70% of the members of the Executive Committee present and participating in the vote.
(g) The Chairperson of the Board of Managers:
(1) The Chairperson of the Board of Managers will be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst the representatives of the public on the Board of Managers. The Chairperson of the Board of Managers will not be an “internal element” or a representative of an “external element”; this includes not serving simultaneously as Chairperson of the Executive Committee or as Chairperson of the Board of Governors.
In this section:
“Internal element” – an administrative or academic employee or a student at the University.
“External element” – bodies, institutions and corporations outside the University, including municipal authorities, educational networks, trade unions, public and private corporations, professional associations and other institutes of higher education.
(2) The Executive Committee shall appoint a Deputy Chairperson from among the public representatives on the Board of Managers.
(h) At meetings of the Board of Managers, the Chairperson shall have an additional, casting vote in a case in which the vote is tied.
- Powers and Functions of the Board of Managers
The following are the powers and functions of the Board of Managers:
(a) To supervise the administration of the University and its assets;
(b) To supervise the activities of the President;
(c) To discuss the University’s financial and budgetary reports and to approve them;
(d) To approve changes in the University’s budget during the fiscal year, provided that such changes shall not entail an expansion of the total budget;
(e) To decide on the creation and closure of Faculties and independent Schools, changes thereof and their closure, after receiving the recommendation of the Senate;
(f) To determine development programs for the University;
(g) To determine the rules for the appointment of senior officials;
(h) To confirm the employment terms of University employees
(i) To determine the authorized signatories of the University and the regulations governing their authority;
(j) To approve the recommendations of the Search Committee for President;
(k) To approve the sale, mortgage or other encumbrance of immovable property of the University or their lease or transfer for use by a non-University body, for a period exceeding ten years, and to receive reports on the realization of assets. The Board of Managers shall prescribe regulations with respect to this section;
(l) To appoint a Director General, a Deputy Director General for Finance and a Legal Advisor upon the proposal of the President;
(m) To approve the establishment of subsidiaries of the University;
(n) To approve the appointment of the members of the disciplinary tribunals of the academic staff of the University;
(o) To appoint an investment committee, to approve the University's investment policy regarding its endowment funds, and to oversee the management of the endowment funds;
(p) To appoint annually the University accountants and to establish rules concerning their appointment and termination of their services, and the length of the period of their appointment;
(q) To approve the Constitution/General Statutes of the University and amendments thereto, without derogating from the provisions of section 12 of the Constitution.
(r) The Board of Managers shall retain all administrative powers, excluding academic powers, which have not been explicitly granted to another body in the University, according to its Constitution or its Statutes.
The Board of Managers may delegate any of its powers to a committee or committees appointed by it from amongst its members or from amongst the members of the Executive Committee.
- Matters Requiring Prior Authorization by the Board of Managers
- Meetings of the Board of Managers
(a) The Board of Managers shall convene for regular meetings at least six times annually.
(b) The Board of Managers shall convene for a special meeting upon the decision of the Chairperson of the Board of Managers, or at the request of the President, or at the request of three members of the Board of Managers.
(c) The agenda of the meetings of the Board of Managers shall be set by the Chairperson of the Board of Managers and the President.
(d) Decisions of the Board Managers shall be passed by a simple majority of those participating in the vote, unless the Constitution or the General Statutes prescribe otherwise. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson of the Board of Managers shall have a casting vote.